FCB 67

FCB 67

The remains

FCB 67

Plaque at Purton

FCB 67
LPB Identification No. 10 DRM Identification No. 25 AJP Identification No. 9
Source (LPB)(JC)(JPr)(DF)(DW)(DJW)
Name P.o.R Description Dates
FCB 67 N/A ferro concrete barge 1941-c.1962
Official No. N/A Code N/A
Builders Wates Building Group Ltd – Barrow in Furness
Dimensions Length 84 ft Breath 22.6 ft Depths 8.1 ft

Tonnage – (1941) Gross 332 ton loaded Net not recorded

Engines By H.P. None
Beached date C. Spring 1962
Beached by Capt Oliver Powell, Jimmy Common, Bob Green, Dick Woodward

Purtons FCB’s have no reference in any Mercantile Navy List
Various concrete lighters were positioned across the gates of the old arm and adjoining basin for some time prior to beaching.
John Perkins diary entry 9th June 1965 FCB No. 51 from Sharpness to Gloucester
Physical description and named as located by DJW in 1965
FCB 51 afloat 3rd September 1965
Dick Woodward advised a FCB “can be seen via wire hawsers around the tree”David Wheeler stated that concrete FCB 51 had been “freshly deposited” in June 1965 but was by October 1969 recognised thus “only her bows and stern gunnel remain visible, due to extensively silting.”

First Owners Fred A. Ashmeads & Sons Ltd, Bristol

George Thomas Beard, Gloucester

Ben Cooke Ltd

British Transport Commission (1962)

British Waterways Board (1963)

Phase one reports